Monday, November 06, 2006

First meeting - location set

I have a good idea, let's have our first meeting at wine works in the basement in the their "cellar". It is a nice private location were we can have our first meeting. Time remains the same, Tuesday, November 14th at 7:30pm.


Anonymous said...

Good gathering...apparently men only...but that will soon change.
A version of a system/organization was determined with a 20.00 buy in to be a part of the society. No real rules other than no cell phones, possibly a commitee to follow through on "ideas" decided upon, someone to take notes and a one and one half limit to each get together. The next gathering will be Dec 5th, and a topic is to be thrown out there in order to prepare for discussion.
Just a note that I don't want to even be considered for "minute taker" the only reason I wrote these down is because it is a real slow day here for me and I needed stimulation and something to achieve.
We need an original "sign off"!


Anonymous said...

good times at the good idea society