Thursday, December 07, 2006

meeting #3 - TOPIC

Modern Comedy is topic of the meeting. Here are a few discussion topics and questions to get us started...

> YouTube and the rest has changed our experience of comedy/ the decentralizing Internet compares to the old-style, monolithic network-TV model. We see so much these days in clips and fragments, millions of viewers watching customized content, yet there's the whole "viral" thing when one clip seems to strike a different than the top-down ways of yore.

> Why is Will Farrell so fun?

> Look at and think about old school comedians like the Marx Brothers, then moving on to people like Johnny Carson, Woody Allen, Richard Pryor, Bill Cosby, Lenny Bruce, John Belushi--take those comedians and consider what they used for material and what portions of society they satirized and/or lampooned--and then take a good look at modern comedians like Dane Cook, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, Will Farrell, and the new sort of "Frat Comedy" films like Old School, Anchorman, and Dodgeball and consider where they're coming from.

> Will fart jokes ever lose their appeal?

Please post up interesting articles, videos, etc as comments.


Jay C said...

Copy and paste in this Will Ferrell gem...

Jay C said...

Little Miss Sunshine is a real interesting dark comedy...

Jay C said...

excellent article on Will Ferrell from the 11/2/06 issue of the New York Times Magazine...

Anonymous said...

I do believe Steve Martin contributed a lot to comedy...his albums of his stand up shows are brilliant. His moves around the business internally (screenplays, teleplays, books, & theatre) illustrate how hungry for release he is...his humor is timeless!
Do yourselves a favor and check out his early stuff.

Dready Henchman said...

Check out this hilarious security video.

I'll try to bring this one to the meeting tonight.