Sunday, January 07, 2007

meeting #4: TOPIC/DETAILS

Meeting #4 will be on Tuesday, 1/9 at 7:30pm at the Wine Bar.

Topic: Goals and predictions for 2007.

> what will this year bring? to the good idea society, burlington, vermont, the world.
> democrats taking over the congress - will anything really change?
> iraq? where will we be at the beginning of '08?
> what does our changing environment mean to vermont? will we feel the impact in '07?
> what are your personal goals for '07?
> are there any goals that the good idea society can help you achieve?
> everyone come up with one personal goal that helps other people.

Here are some predictions about various topics for '07 from news outlets:
Politics from the Washington Post:
Entertainment from the LA times:
Environment from Grist:
Some random fact about 1 in 4 Americans thinking that Jesus will come again in '07 from our very own WCAX (Ch.3):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I did not make the last meeting because of the child care issue. Being a responsible parent can take a toll on your social life, but at that the same time be well worth it. When I don't show up for the meetings, I must say that it makes me feel
like I am missing the notes really help.
I have ideas...and goals and things to discuss, and I miss sharing them. I look forward to the next one!